On January 28, 2021, M LHUILLIER OPEC Kulintang Team headed by Lorelay Rulona together with officers; Regional Manager Romel Jorolan and Area Manager Randy Lopez went to the Blessed Mind Mission Center at TJC Homes, Sudapin Kidapawan City.

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PLANTING SEEDS OF CHANGE WITH M LHUILLIER M Lhuillier has been involved in diverse tree planting activities throughout the years. On multiple occasions, OPEC chapters have actively done the following initiatives on verdure rehabilitation. Starting off with a remarkable revisiting of one of their plantation sites from 12 years ago.

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In many ways, the coronavirus pandemic has brought people together for one common goal: help each other during these trying times. With the world in crisis, M Lhuillier Financial Services, Inc. sprung into action to aid Filipinos affected by job loss, hunger, and stress from keeping their family safe.

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