M Lhuillier Brings Hope to Ormoc City Fire Survivors

MAY 18, 2024 

In the face of adversity, M Lhuillier extends a helping hand to communities in need. When a devastating fire broke out near the M Lhuillier Cogon Ormoc branch on February 22, 2024, immediate assistance was recognized as a pressing requirement. The fire, caused by the oversight of an elderly lady who forgot to extinguish a candle, quickly engulfed her house, which was constructed with light materials. Despite the challenges posed by strong winds, the Ormoc City firefighters, with support from a neighboring fire brigade, were able to contain the flames, fortunately without any loss of life. 

Responding swiftly to the situation, M Lhuillier organized a relief operation for the fire victims, approaching the task with humility and compassion. On February 28, 2024, a dedicated team of M Lhuillier OPEC Leyte Movers Officers, led by Regional Manager Ma'am Grace L. de Gracia, visited the Brgy. Cogon gymnasium to distribute essential relief goods to the affected families. The primary focus was providing support to the 58 households impacted by the fire.

The relief goods distributed by M Lhuillier were thoughtfully chosen to address the immediate needs of the fire victims. Each package contained essential items such as mats, towels, alcohol, bath soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sanitary pads, shampoo, detergent powder, tissue, and a pack of medicine. The aim was to offer comfort and promote hygiene during this challenging period.

Throughout the distribution process, M Lhuillier received invaluable assistance from Brgy. Officials and dedicated employees of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). The collaborative effort of all parties involved ensured the smooth and efficient delivery of aid to the affected families.

The organization extends its heartfelt gratitude to Hon. Boy Fiel, a Brgy. Official, who expressed appreciation on behalf of the fire victims for the generous donation provided by M Lhuillier. The impact of our contribution in helping the affected community during their time of need is recognized with utmost humility. The donated relief goods, regardless of their size, will play a significant role in the recovery and rebuilding process.

M Lhuillier remains committed to its mission of serving communities in times of crisis with humility and compassion. The organization understands the importance of standing together, offering support, and instilling hope and resilience in those facing hardship. Through collective efforts, the aim is to assist the fire victims of Ormoc City in rebuilding their lives, empowering them with renewed strength and determination.

With humility, M Lhuillier walks alongside the affected families, knowing that even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference and bring a glimmer of hope.