

June 11, 2019 mlcares-admin

(Tree Planting Activity @ Gaas, Balamban, Cebu) 

Global warming has become a threat to all mankind. We have to admit that we are the great contributor in the rapid increase of temperature in our environment. And we must be aware to the cause and effects of global warming. With this concern, M Lhuillier Financial Services Inc. Cebu North A Region continued its Environmental Awareness Program to help our Mother Nature with the assistance of Organizational Productivity Enhancement Committee (OPEC) Norte

Almost one thousand seedlings of mahogany and acacia tree were planted by M Lhuillier employees at Brgy. Gaas, Balamban, Cebu besides JVR Island in the sky resort last June 11, 2019. This tree planting activity is headed by Eric D. Garces Sr. – Regional Manager of Cebu North A together with Miss Mae Ann Sulasula – Marketing Staff (OPEC In-charge), OPEC Officers, Ex-officio and OPEC Members. Even it was a little bit challenging for the whole team to plant the seedlings due to the rough passages of the mountain, it is not a hindrance to them for the love and care to Mother Nature instead everyone’s enjoyed planting. 

Trees and other plants are very important; it helps in reducing heat in our surroundings; it removes harmful chemicals from the soil and reduced the greenhouse gases, as it absorbed carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. They are the natural habitat of animals and other species. It is also a source of food, wood and paper products. These trees which planted by M Lhuillier employees are a big help in minimizing the noise, air and water pollution. 

At the end of the day everyone was grateful for the best experience they had in participating tree planting activities. M Lhuillier - OPEC Norte will fulfil its commitment to continue engage in ecological programs by protecting mountains and hills from its baldness. “He who plants a tree, plants a hope”. 

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