Community Aid


February 6, 2021 mlcares-admin

Even during the pandemic, there is no shortage of individuals who are in need of blood. M Lhuillier’s mission has always been to give support and help where it is needed. This is why M Lhuillier, with the cooperation of OPEC and Red Cross Cebu Chapter, conducted a bloodletting activity to aid in increasing the blood bank supply.

The blood drive happened on February 6, 2021 at P del Rosario Conference Hall. The activity was led by the Red Cross Cebu Chapter with the assistance of the attending volunteer physician, Dr. Amour Cielo Cantillas who is also the Blood Center Manager. There were also several volunteer medical technologists and nurses on site. Ms. Remedios D. Batucan HRMD Manager was in charge of the ML Cares Foundation in cooperation with support from different OPEC Teams: OPEC Norte, OPEC Lakbai Norte, OPEC Sawot, OPEC Centrum Cebu and OPEC Central.

The activity started at eight in the morning and Red Cross explained that the bloodletting was free of charge. They also further explained that those who will need the blood will require corresponding laboratory tests to ensure their safety and compatibility with the blood donated. The quality and type of blood are important factors to check in order to have successful transfusions.

Volunteers of the bloodletting activity expressed their willingness and enthusiasm to participate in the activity and help the community. The blood drive ended successfully and it also encouraged others in the M Lhuillier Family to donate blood to save more lives, especially in the new normal. This activity is the first of many blood donation drives that M Lhuillier plans to conduct in the future.

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